Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 52- Colorado!

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
After a very tough day and after a day of beautiful driving, I find myself in Durango, CO. The weekend with my parents was awesome, and like I figured, all I wanted to do on my drive Sunday was turn around and go home.

Yet, I kept going. Today, I drove up through Santa Fe, through the ruged beauty (there is no other way to describe it), to the mountains and into Colorado. The Northwest corner of New Mexico was very beautiful as rock spires rose out of the rocky soil, colored with layers and layers of red rocks, tan rock and white rock. It was truly spectacular! The plan now is to drive through the mountains a little bit and then head back south and make my way over to the Grand Canyon, eventually. So, some beautiful driving to happen in the future.

As I said, yesterday was very tough. I think I drove about 460 miles, which was my biggest day by far and during that drive, I just wanted to go home. Maybe part of it was because Oklahoma, Texas and the eastern part of New Mexico don't have much for scenery. No, I just missed watching the olympics with my parents and I thought about talking about it the next day with the guys at work. I miss the people of home: my friends and I miss the activities.

C.S. Lewis wrote about contentment and the need for adventure in one of his Screwtape Letters. Screwtape said that humans are designed to have both in them. We are creatures who like things the same every day and yet have a need for change. That is one reason God created seasons. In the chapter, Screwtape was discussing on how to take this and use it against humans. As I thought about it, I considered it in my own life and I seem to be stuck in the middle. Some people can live in one place their whole life and work well for the kingdom where as others need to move every couple months. They yearn for adventure. Myself, I am stuck in the middle. When I am at home for a while, in the routine of life, I get antsy and need to do something. Yet, when I do something adventurous, like this trip, I feel the need to be back home and have structure. That has been one of my main thought processes over the last few days. Kind of frustrating. Maybe, someday, I'll find my place, or when I get home, I will discover the right things to do in that place, at least for a while... until the next adventure comes along.

God bless you all!


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