Saturday, July 12, 2008

Day 8- The First Phase Done

Hello All!
Well, it has now been a week since I left and what a busy week it was. As of right now, I am in Hamilton, ON. Yes, they did let me into Canada and they didn't even check any of my identification.
Yesterday was an interesting day. Upon arrival at Port Huron, MI, I decided to stop and take a break before crossing the border, so I went to K-Mart and got some food to eat, which consisted of a can of peaches and Cheetos. While I was eating them out in the parking lot, a lady was loading her bags into the car and she came over and was asking about the motorcycle. Then, she asked if I had anything to drink and offered me some Sunny D. She was going to give me one of those big jugs of Sunny D, but I didn't have room for it. During all this, I felt a push for me to pray for her, so I asked if I could pray for her. She was down with that, so I took her hand and prayed for her in the parking lot of K-Mart and then her and her daughter left.

Well, then as I was packing some stuff up, I felt the push to grab a couple of Bibles and plant them inside the store. So, I took two Bibles and wrote a little note in the cover and went back inside K-Mart. The first Bible, I just found a random pair of Jeans and shoved it in the pocket, but the second, I walked around for a little while and actually tried to open myself up to the Spirit's moving. Well, I felt pulled to a specific rack and a specific bin of Jeans and that is where I planted the next one. So, who knows what will come of that, but I pray that God has those Bibles find the people with open hearts.

So, that's what happened and then I drove into Canada and met my first rain, and boy did it rain. I was going down the 401 and saw it raining up ahead, so I stopped and put on my rainsuit. Not a half mile down, it started pouring! Visibility was about 150 to 200 feet and traffic was crawling. My shoes got soaked but my rainsuit kept me dry for the most part, which was awesome. The rain lasted for about 15 minutes or so and then it was sunny again.

As you can read, it was an interesting day and one in which God blessed me in many ways. It was a day of stretching and of growth and I pray that it can continue. Thanks again for all your support and God bless you!

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