Thursday, July 3, 2008

1.4ish days

1.4ish days,
Well Friends, the time is near and it feels pretty surreal. I have been planning for so long, that the reality of the trip almost doesn't seem real, yet it is. Right now, I am strangely at peace about the trip and yet thinking and wondering of what I still need to do before I go. The motorcycle is ready, the finances are set in order and my stack of stuff is posted and waiting to get on the road.
Today was my last day of work before leaving and that too, feels surreal. It's like I should be going back to school...after a really short summer...but I'm not. Well, it is a different kind of school.
Anyway, the Lord has blessed the various steps thus far as many aspects of the trip have fallen into place this week and the timing of those steps are impeccable. Even financially, the Lord has provided enough money, but not too much to where I can just go and take it easy. Thus far, things are going smoothly.
Thank you so much for all your prayers so far! Please continue to pray for me, for the trip, for the people I stay with and for those whom God wants me to talk with.
God bless you all!

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