Monday, July 21, 2008

Acadia.... Sweet!

Hello Friends,
I must be short tonight because the lady using the computer in front of me used up 13 minutes of my time and the library closes in 7 minutes. The picture above is from Acadia National Park, where I hiked and road around today. It was absolutely gorgeous and I took lots of pictures! The one above is not mine, but I saw those cliffs (and sat on top of them).

Today was a great day of riding through the park and hiking to various parts whether they were down by the ocean or up in the mountains. It was just awesome to sit on the rocks and listen to the waves blast the rocks time after time after time. I think that is one of the most relaxing sounds on earth. Honestly, I can't describe the sights I saw and I'm sure my pictures won't do justice, but they will have to do.

As for tonight, I am camping on the island and tomorrow I will start working my way back down the coast. Even though today was a good day of sightseeing and even talking with a few people, I still feel lonely and I still am wondering about what I should be doing. I have had a good trip so far and seen some awesome things but...

So many thoughts, so little time and not a brain good enough to write them out. Please pray for guidance if I should keep going with this trip or not.
God bless you all and hopefully I can write more tomorrow.


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