Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I write to you now with a little different spirit and I'm not exactly sure what to say but here it goes...
All your prayers from the beginning of the trip to this point have culminated. I can now say that I have survived a motorcycle accident, and done so with one scratch and a sore neck.
Yeah, you read that right... I had a motorcycle accident, but am in as good of health as I could have expected.
Here's the story... yesterday (Friday), I was coming down from Estes Park, CO after some sweet sightseeing in the mountains. I was following a Honda CR-V and thinking about how sweet Hondas are. Well, there was also a car behind me and we were going around a curve to the right. I looked away for a split second and looked back and the Honda was braking to turn left. No big deal. I stepped on the brakes and started moving right to go around and get out of the way of the cars behind me. As I was moving to the right of the Honda, I got nailed from behind and scraped alongside the passenger side of the Honda before coming to a stop and falling over on the pavement. I was on the cycle the whole time until it stopped, so that was good. The first thing I thought was, "Man! There goes the trip!" And that really frustrated me.
There is so much to write about it that I don't even know what to include. I got up and walked around, pretty mad about the trip being over, but I soon collected myself, got my wallet and license and registration and found my camera under the vehicle that I hit and took some pictures of everything. Within 5 minutes, 4 RNs had stopped. The fire department was first on the scene and they directed traffic. God really brought some awesome people to my aid. There were some people from across the street who had a camper they were trying to sell. They opened it up and let me put all my stuff in it and I parked the bike at their place last night. There were also some awesome people from Greeley, CO that helped me collect everything and they even went back up with me today to get the cycle.
This accident was so covered with the grace of God that I can't even begin to describe. Ask me about it some time. To me, that is all your prayers for me... I am ok...the perfect people were there at the perfect time... I had relatives close by...
One of the state troopers even said that it is unheard of for there to be a 3 vehicle accident, with one of them being a motorcycle and no one to be hurt. "It doesn't happen." he said. That is your prayers working.
As for what I am thinking, well, I can't express how frustrated I am that I won't be able to finish the trip on the Goldwing. Tomorrow was when I was supposed to meet my dad in the Black Hills and ride there for a couple days. Then, we were going to ride back home on Tuesday together. Again, I can't express how excited I was to ride those last 2 hours home where I knew the roads. In that sense, I feel like something was taken from me. But, on the other hand, I met some awesome Christian people up there. The people that hit me weren't Christian. I had a little opportunity to talk to them about that, but not much. Pray for them.
As you can tell, I'm not even formulating thoughts that well. There are just too many details that I want to tell you about, but just can't include everything. Sorry for the stream of consciousness writing.
As for the rest of the trip, my parents are coming out to Evens, CO to pick me up. Instead of meeting my dad in the black hills, he and my mom are coming here with the pickup to get me and the cycle. Then, we still plan on going through the Black Hills and then drive home on Tuesday.
I guess, my "motorcycle" trip is officially over, even thought I am not home. The rest of the journey will be in a pickup. I might blog some more in the next few days and I'm sure I will keep typing every now and then afterwards. Reflection will always be good. After that, who knows? I might keep blogging with thoughts or questions.
Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for all your prayers because they defintely saved me, not only yesterday, but throughout the entire trip. Please thank God for the successful journey, my safety, the safety of the other drivers and thank him for how everything played out. Also, pray for the couple that hit me, as they weren't believers.
I think that's it. Again, sorry for not having any flow to this blog. :)
God bless you all and see you soon!