Saturday, November 29, 2008

Somewhat of an update

It has been a long time since I have blogged. Maybe, there's not a lot going on, or maybe I just don't feel like sharing it or maybe, I'm just too lazy to write it all out... choose your verdict or create your own. :)

Currently, I am sitting by our kitchen on the bar stools, waiting for the wax to dry on my Blazer. The day has been spent doing many odd jobs around the house from cleaning to fixing to relaxing to waxing. It has been a nice day of tasks to accomplish.

By the way, for those of you who didn't make it to the presentation, it went pretty good. I got a lot of good feedback from people, so that is good. Afterward, I watched my dad's recording of it, and I was kind of bored watching the first part... what does that mean when I am bored watching my own presentation? Anyway, it went well and people seemed to enjoy it.

Thanksgiving... honestly... right now, I have many thoughts, but I need to get some wax off the Blazer. Stay tuned!

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