Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bring forth The Kingdom!!

The past couple weeks have given me some good thoughts to reflect on. Many of them have been about how God advances His kingdom in this world. I've seen 2 examples of this lately that made that picture more clear.

One person was a guy named Nic. I saw him on TV and he is a man with no arms and no legs, yet he can stand up and move around using twisting motions of his torso. The only time he does this though is when he is speaking to groups of people. Nic travels the world, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, telling his story of hope and waiting on God.

The other example in Brian “Head” Welch. Formerly the lead guitar for the almost satanic group, “Korn”, Welch was into the rock and roll life of drugs, alcohol, parties not to mention, being addicted to meth. Yet, Welch found himself searching and, long story short, he found Jesus. Since, he quit Korn, kicked drugs (cold turkey) and has been pursuing a solo career, writing “metal” songs about God, forgiveness and love instead of drugs and sex. God is using him to do some powerful things in an arena most of our churches could never reach.

The way of the world is to find a charismatic, fine-looking leader; one who is big and strong and knows all the right answers. We flock after people who can talk their way out of any jam and who hold power, but in God's kingdom he uses a man with no limbs and the last man I would have expected to see come to Christ. Why? Because it doesn't make sense. Nothing human can explain it! God can use whoever, whenever and often, he uses the last people we expect to bring forth his kingdom.

To you “last people,” weak, burdened, broken and hurting... shine on! God has big things for you!

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