Monday, April 12, 2010

Yearning for a Call

Have you ever been waiting for a phone call or a letter or an email? Have you ever been waiting and yearning for someone to come and talk with you? Maybe you've waited for a call from that special someone or from the doctor. In waiting, maybe you wondered, “do they even like me anymore? What did I say to tick them off? Why don't they call me and talk with me?”

This subject was in my mind tonight and for devotions, I read Amos. Amos is a book with some very strong language, both positive and negative. But, the parts that got me were the parts where God called out for Israel to “Seek the Lord and live... yet you have not returned to me.” There is a deep yearning by God for the love of his people. He wants their (our) hearts to call out to him so bad, it is indescribable. Imagine a Father, looking at his rebellious, sinful, dirty son. The father has outstretched arms and tears in his eyes and he says, “Come to me. My strong arms will love and uphold you. Come to me and live.” A tear slowly rolls down his cheek as the son turns his head to the side, still not willing to give in to the father's love. So often, I am that son.

1 comment:

Kontiki said...

u know , many times in my life i wait for that call from some one special but time makes me realize that " who makes u wait and never call can never be special "
anyways , good point u mentioned that God always accept us no matter how dirty we are :).