Sunday, March 8, 2009

Beautiful Day

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Today was a day of strange weather. The day started off cool, some might say cold. The gray clouds hung low and the weather man had predicted snow. Sure enough, during church some snow did fall, but upon walking home, the temperature was very comfortable. Actually, within and hour, most the snow had melted and in a couple more hours, clear blue skies roamed overhead and the temperature soared. Seeing the weather warm rejuvinated a desire to ride motorcycle. So, I had to.

A couple weeks ago, I tore most of the busted parts off the Goldwing and am now getting more serious about fixing it up before the warm weather is here to stay. As of right now, it is "ridable," and today, I took advantage of the weather to fire up the engine and burn out the winter cold. As the engine rumbled the street called my name. I had to go for a ride. I popped the Wing in gear and took off down the street. Now, I didn't go very far because it is highly illegal at this point.

1. no license plate
2. if it did have a license plate, the tags are expired
3. no tail light
4. no blinkers
5. I had no eye protection

With all this said, I only rode a couple of blocks, but even in those blocks, I yearned to hit the highway, get up to speed and go somewhere. The Goldwing has not been ridden anywhere since that day in Colorado and I am waiting for the day to ride comes again.

Below are a few pictures of what it looks like now. I took it apart and cleaned up the chrome, so actually, it looks pretty good right now.

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