Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 89...Approaching the home stretch

Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
I have enjoyed a long break here in Denver with some awesome people, but now, I must be heading on. This afternoon, I plan on going to Rocky Mountain National Park and probably camping there two nights and hiking around a bit.

The time is drawing close for the trip to come to an end. I plan on being home about a week from now, which is really weird to think about. I have seen so many things and talked with so many different people, but sitting here and thinking about it, it doesn't feel like I have been away as long as I have. Yet, on the other hand, when I think back to being in New York and out in Acadia National Park in Maine and the struggles I went through at that point, it feels like an eternity ago.

I am super excited to get home and to see many of you again, but there will be part of me that will miss waking up every morning and wondering what adventures are in store for the day. Of course, there are adventures in all places and on every day, but I mean the adventures of getting on the motorcycle and driving some place new and talking with people I have never met and even bringing up religion with them. I will miss those things.

But, before I get to that point, there is still a week left where God may have doors open for me to talk with people. Please pray for those people and pray for me to live every day with my eyes focused on him.

God bless you all!



Sarah said...

So...I'm a little off on the posting comments thing, but I have a comment about an old post. The one about the man who is Ba'hai. One of my high school teachers came from a Ba'hai family. Yes...they pretty much believe every way is the right way. pretty much an impossibility.

It's been interesting to hear about the connections God is bringing into your life..praying you have continued safe travels!

Tim said...


We'll pray that you have a great time in the mountains and a safe trip home!

Pastor Tim