Thursday, July 17, 2008

Extremely Frustrated...

Well Friends, I will not post long because it is getting late and there is still a fair amount of miles that I want to go today. This was the most frustrating day of my trip: a day where I wanted to turn around and head home. I am in Lewiston, NY for reference.
It so happened, that the battery in my cycle decided to die, so I needed to get from Hamilton, ON to Lewiston, NY on a jump started, not so good battery. I may post with more details later about what actually happened with the motorcycle, because it was a long list of things that really frustrated me and that carried over to my attitude about the trip. It was a day of great mental strain to keep going and not let the bad times get me down. Actually, today was a day of growth for me because God was in control, which I can see in how things turned out... finding a spare fuse, actually making it to New York and meeting 3 gems of people along the way. Well, that is all I have energy for right now. Hopefully, I will be moving further in to New York yet tonight. God bless you all!


1 comment:

Karen said...

Hi Tim,
We pray that tomorrow will be a better day. Remeber that Satan does not want you to succeed on this trip and will put up roadblocks. Remain faithful!

Marlin VS