Lake Michigan
It has been quite some time since I have blogged. That seems to be a regular theme. It's not that I'm neglecting the blog, it's just the fact that not a whole lot of interesting things happen in my life and, on top of that, often I don't have much to say. There are far wiser words to read. Maybe sometime in the future, there will be more interesting times to write about, but, who knows?
This past weekend, I went on a “short” trek out to Calvin Sem and Chicago to visit friends. Maybe “short” isn't the right word. “Quick” would be a better word. My parents asked if they could ride along, since they have relatives and friends out there to visit so I said, “sure” and welcomed the company.
Overall, it was a great trip filled with good conversations, frisbee, hiking, food, baseball, bags, trains, movies and many miles. The basic overview of the trip had us leaving at 5:30, Thursday morning and driving all the way to Grand Rapids, Michigan, staying there through Friday, then driving back to Chicago Saturday morning and then home on Sunday. All in all a great trip filled with great friends.
For those of you wondering, No, I'm not going to seminary.